Day 18. (0 miles) Ceduna

Yay!!!! A day off! Ceduna is a very nice place to stop off. We started with a long walk before breakfast (we can’t sleep in!!!)  Then checked out the town and the fantastic supermarket!!! Fresh granary bread, lots of fruit..... what luxuries!!!! Had a spot of sunbathing by our motel pool then a picnic lunch with last nights leftovers and fresh bread.
A bit later a swim in the sea. There is a sea pool far out along the jetty in deep water . It’s surrounded by a shark net but as it was high tide we were a bit afraid a shark might get in over!! Still we had a lovely swim ! ( perfect water temp.)
We went to the
Breakfast! Smashed avo and the works!

same bar/ restaurant for drinks and dinner and again it was superb! Back in our motel now and its bedtime. Back on the road tomorrow!

A train passing by on our early morning walk.

The netted pool is far out on the right. There is a ramp and ladder off the jetty.


  1. Looks fabulous, food also.....Glad ye had a couple of chill days in a nice place.... But back on the Bike Dermot....... ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Angela and George......

    1. Yes it’s all going well! Glad to see you’re following the blog!

    2. Really enjoying the blog.... Getting a real feel of Aus...Good work...Keep it up....

  2. Glad you had a rest day! It looks lovely. Hope the next few days aren’t too hot. ��


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