Day 32 Cowra to Bathurst (65 miles)

Awake very early and all ready to go but waiting for the phone call from the bike 9am he told us to come as it was ready so off we set for his house and workshop. All that remains of the original bike is just about the saddle!!! He changed the crank, sprockets, cables, wheel bearings and chain. He straightened the things that needed straightening !He assured Dermot that it will see him out ( more than 2 days I hope!!!)  At 9.30 Dermot was on the road again with a day of enormous hills ahead of him plus an east wind! (We are heading east)   The scenery was lovely as we are now going through the Blue Mountains thought it’s a bit chilly!

The signpost said 199 km to Sydney..... so close now!

I passed a kangaroo today who was going to run across in front of me and at the last minute he changed his mind! Hopefully he’s still bouncing around as the roads now are VERY busy!

Tomorrow we expect more huge mountains to cross before we reach thd outskirts of Sydney and then it’s downhill all the way!! Penultimate day looms!!!

 Dermot and Dave the bike man in Dave’s den

A hearty breakfast
End of the day at Bathurst


  1. I'm sure the rest period did no harm....Onwards and Upwards to Sydney ..... Close one with the Roo Mary ...Phew !!!!!

  2. And he is still smiling!! Dave was a bit of a find !! Hope the scenery is beautiful and Dermot's legs hold out ( they will !) Bondi is calling xx

  3. Hi .....last comment wasfrom me ....Anne ( Rosie's mum) xx


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