
Day 34 The Grand Finale. (40 miles or so)

It was D Day ! It had finally come and I for one had knots in my belly!!! The plan was that I would drive the 60 miles straight to Bondi and find somewhere to park the van. I was nervous of the motorway traffic and worried about Dermot’s route into Sydney. We left at 7.30 and being Saturday the traffic wasn’t too bad. There was fog for a bit which isn’t great! Due to roadworks Dermot was sent on a different route and he got a bit lost around Penrith but eventually he got back onto the Great Western Highway. The fog went and the sun came out and he thought he could see the Harbour Bridge in the distance.I couldn’t believe it when without much warning  I found myself crossing Sydney Harbour Bridge!  I got to Bondi and parked up then got the bus back to the Opera house where we met up again.Then , after a lovely lunch and a celebratory glass of fizz , he cycled to Bondi and I returned by bus and we met up for the ceremonial dipping of the front wheel in the Pacific ocean. It’s been an am

Day 33 Bathurst to Springwood (92 miles)

The day started with a puncture before he set off!!! The culprit was a three corner jack also known as a bindii. They are a cyclist’s nightmare and God help anyone who stands on one in their bare feet!! Nasty wee buggers!!! It was a day of 2 mountain passes, each over 3000 feet. Unfortunately it was wet and overcast and we missed the beautiful scenery as the clouds refused to lift. As it was going so well we decided to keep on going past Katoomba ( our original stopover) and also it was all downhill! We carried on looking for a camping place called Bulls rest but it was too wet to stay. We kept going to Springwood and have a hotel room tonight. The Royal Hotel opposite the station.  Tomorrow will be the last day and less than 50 miles to go!!! Yay!  Always listen to your mother!!!!!

Day 32 Cowra to Bathurst (65 miles)

Awake very early and all ready to go but waiting for the phone call from the bike 9am he told us to come as it was ready so off we set for his house and workshop. All that remains of the original bike is just about the saddle!!! He changed the crank, sprockets, cables, wheel bearings and chain. He straightened the things that needed straightening !He assured Dermot that it will see him out ( more than 2 days I hope!!!)  At 9.30 Dermot was on the road again with a day of enormous hills ahead of him plus an east wind! (We are heading east)   The scenery was lovely as we are now going through the Blue Mountains thought it’s a bit chilly! The signpost said 199 km to Sydney..... so close now! I passed a kangaroo today who was going to run across in front of me and at the last minute he changed his mind! Hopefully he’s still bouncing around as the roads now are VERY busy! Tomorrow we expect more huge mountains to cross before we reach thd outskirts of Sydney and then it’s downhi

Day31. West Wyalong to Marsden 25 miles

An early start and all set to up his game to the finish.   BUT ....Clunk ! Clank.... and there goes the centre crank!!!! No bike shop for miles!!! Next one was in Cowra about 100km away!! It was no longer there!!!! Every shop, hotel, business in rural Australia seems to be closing down. Then a helpful local told us to try a bike shop which specialized in motor bikes and lawn mowers... off we went. We met the most  helpful man who told us he couldn’t fix it but he knew of a man who might be able to. A few phone calls later and lo and behold this man arrived at the caravan site and took the bike home to see what he could do! We are now waiting..... Drinking wine to pass the the lovely Riverside caravan park in Cowra. The Blue Mountains in the distance At this point the bike gave up!!!

Day 30 Goolgari to West Wyalong. (92 miles)

On the road by 7.30. A cool start but lots of gentle, gradual hills. The road surface was unbelieveably rough and Dermot’s wrists and bum are aching. The wind was ok at the start but then it became a headwind so not easy! Prettier scenery with lots of farmland today. A nice change from scrub. Long straight road......  Wonderful Silo Art in Weethalle NSW  There is actually a Silo Art Trail. Fantastic! This is our route and we are now roughly where the key is pointing. Less than 500 km to Bondi Beach now..... we can almost hear the waves!!! I am reading “Don’t stop me now” by Vassos Alexander, 26.2 tales of a runner’s obsession. It is beginning to inspire me so this morning I ran a mile non stop!!!!(knackered all day!!!) Dermot forgot to mention his Emu sighting yesterday . It ran along the verge beside him for a while then wandered off. That may or may not be of interest.  Stopping for lunch! Downtown West Wyalong

Day 29 Hay to goolgari ( 78 miles)

A lovely cool morning again.... he was on his way by 7.45am. It only gets bright at about 7.30 but the clocks  will go forward next week. The road was flat and similar to yesterday but it stayed overcast all day. Lots and lots of dead kangaroos again and not much of interest to look at. We arrived early to Goolgowi and booked into the caravan site. Flies everywhere!!!! Ahhhh! We ended the day at the Royal Mail Hotel with a few drinks and a meal. All is good! Back in the camper now (19.50) and ready for lights out. A few photos first....  Leaving the hotel after dinner.  The sky as Dermot was lesving Hay this morning. Mid afternoon nap! It’s all getting too much for him!!!  

Day 28 Balranald to Hay (83 miles)

Heigh Ho, to Hay we go! Fast ride today with an excellent tailwind! All done in 6 hours including a lunch stop! Also it’s a bit on the cool side and that helps too. A high of 19 deg today only. We left all the fishermen behind in Balranald after a noisy night! It was actually raining when we got up and our sandals were wet. The Hay plains were quite amazing, 132 km of nothingness yet only 400 miles approx from Sydney! Like the Nullarbor only cold!! Roadkill was evident again... many kangaroos and a dead fox! Dermot had a live kangaroo run along beside him  but he outcycled him eventually!It was an old kangaroo!!!!  Dermot had gripey pains all day as he cycled. Amazing he did so well really! Anyway , he had only reached the caravan site when he shot off to the toilet block. He never said a word about his pains till later on in the pub. He then casually mentioned that we head for the pub just as the Australian Dyno Rod equivalent was arriving at the site to unblock a major blockage!